A great deal of my listings are homesites and brand new homes that were just built in some of the premier developments and neighborhoods in Ashe County. Check out my listings of New River Real Estate and you will find all different kinds of homes and cabins for sale. I list riverfront real estate, homes with panoramic views, as well as tiny cottages that are located off the beaten path. After growing up in Ashe County, I know a great deal about the real estate and markets in this mountain area. I can help you find historic Ashe County Homes, brand new Jefferson Homes, and great properties for first time home buyers. No matter what type of buyer you are, I would be happy to help you. Contact me today!
Buying AND Selling
Lots of interested buyers would rather search exisiting homes and purchase one that is already built rather than go through a process of building a home on land that they purchase. In many cases, it’s easier, more practical, and less expensive. I not only list homes throughout the county areas of West Jefferson, Glendale Springs, Warrensville, and beyond, but I also list all types of mountain homes in a variety of regions of the High Country including Blowing Rock, Valle Crucis, Boone, and even the outlying regions near Virginia in Sparta. Let me help you with all of your home buying and selling needs.
Are you interested in selling your property of Western North Carolina Real Estate? I have extensive knowledge in investing, buying, and selling all types of real estate properties and I can help you market your property to the right buyers in the right areas. Let me showcase your Ashe County real estate property or home in the right light. Offers will come. Contact me today to begin working together!