Click to browse the Blue Ridge Mountain Real Estate offered by the various Blue Ridge Mountain Realty companies. I would be happy to represent you as a buyers agent if you are thinking about making a purchase in the near future. Buyers agents offer a different option to buyers than your average real estate office. They work ONLY for you and represent your best interest in any real estate sale. I will negotiate on your behalf and ensure that your needs and wants are met during the home buying process.
I’d be happy to start searching for homes and land for sale based on our initial conversations. Clients love working with me because I take all of the real estate search efforts on and make it my priority to find a suitable property for sale. After finding something that you love, I work tirelessly through the negotiation process with the property owners agent. Anything that you discuss with me remains confidential and I make it my priority to ensure that the potential home that you want to buy has been recently inspected by a reputable inspector.
Some people wrongly assume that working with a buyers agent instead of a Blue Ridge Mountain Realty office means that you will have to pay more for the property because there is some sort of hidden financial incentive for me to negotiate a higher price of the property that you will have to pay. That’s simply not the case. For example, if I somehow negotiate a higher price than the property would have gotten, by $10,000, I would average a gain to my commission of well under $500. My reputation and your overall satisfaction is much more important to me.