The town of West Jefferson NC is without a doubt the most populated town / city in Ashe County. Many people consider buying West Jefferson North Carolina Real Estate because of the proximity to town. The rural, country life is great, but living closer to town gives you plenty of amenities and conveniences. That being said, West Jefferson is a small town so country folks still feel right at home.
Josh Johnson would be happy to help you find the type of Real Estate that you are looking for in West Jefferson. Josh was born and raised in this exact county and after venturing out west to receive his education, he came back home to establish himself. If you need help finding lenders, appraisers, and any other industry professionals, Josh would be happy to recommend professionals and businesses that can help.
Josh works with all types of people, from all walks of life. There is no client that he cannot help. Josh has assisted with real estate deals for first time home buyers as well as seasoned real estate investors and developers. Homes and land prices vary in West Jefferson and really throughout the county. Views and other special land features can make two equal properties vary greatly in price. Think about it – you’ll pay a little extra for a little bit more of a view; a view that you can enjoy for a lifetime. Even still, the prices for West Jefferson Real Estate are significantly lower than in the surrounding regions of the High Country of North Carolina.